

Volume no. 1 | 2022/11
Issue no. 1

Daniel Zaire M. Faltado, Erika Monique S. Murillo, Cedrick John F. Perez, Jireh Marie E. Teologo
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This study aimed to determine the perceptions of the public on Batangas City Police’s image and public trust. Particularly, this research sought to determine the relationship between profile of respondents and their perception to police’s image and public trust. Researchers considered pursuing the study to obtain possible solutions for the development and further improvement of police’s image and public trust. The proponents used the descriptive design of research to determine the level of performance of Batangas City Police in terms of crime prevention, law enforcement, and protection of lives and properties. This study was participated by 384 respondents. Online survey questionnaires thru Google Form were utilized and were composed of the profile of respondents and the level of police performance. Weighted mean, frequency and percentage were used to statistically analyze the data gathered. The result of the study showed that among the preferences variables, respondents agreed that police were good in crime prevention, law enforcement, protection of lives and property, community engagement and obedience to law and morality; generalizing a good police image and public trust. Recommendations were proposed to address further enhancement of Batangas City Police’s image and public trust.
Police Image, Public Trust, Police Performances
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