
Kalinangan Refereed Journal

Volume no. 30 | 2022/12
Issue no. 2

Jeri C. Macahia & Teocelyn L. Mendoza
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The number of learners diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder is continuously growing worldwide. The learners’ difficulties in social and communication skills require different programs focused on developing social interaction among them. However, it is still unclear what specific strategies and intervention are effective to address these learners' needs and how prepared educators are to provide these strategies. Hence, this case study aimed to examine the social skills development of a learner with an autism spectrum disorder. Specifically, it described the current condition of the learner in terms of their social skills development; described the experiences of teachers in applying various strategies; determined the effectiveness of the strategies employed in teaching social skills to a learner with an autism spectrum disorder; and proposed teaching and learning activities that could help develop and enhance the social skills of a learner with an autism spectrum disorder. In the process, documentary and interview methods were used by the researchers in gathering the data. After a thorough observation and analysis of documents, it was revealed that the subject has low social skills development. It also revealed that teachers use various strategies in enhancing social skills of learners with autism spectrum disorder which must be sustained and put into rigorous action. Furthermore, among all activities done and observed in the study, the use of real objects was the most effective for the subject to interact and show his social skills. Based on the results, researchers proposed different teaching and learning activities to enhance the social skills of the learners with autism spectrum disorder.
autism spectrum disorder, social skills, case study, strategies
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