
Kalinangan Refereed Journal

Volume no. 30 | 2022/06
Issue no. 1

Merlinda de Chavez, Jason Hortelano, MAT, Jenny B. de Guia, LPT, Donnalyn S. Adao, LPT
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The development of social and emotional dimensions is very important to promote holistic personality and aptitude in college students. Students can acquire and increase their social and emotional abilities by participating in community extension services (CES), which can be considered a valuable instrument for students to build social and emotional competence by participating in real-life scenarios. By integrating its students in volunteerism, the UB CES objective is to foster holistic development that has a major impact on the community. This descriptive research aimed to assess the manifested social and emotional competencies of University of Batangas students from involvement in community extension services. A sample of 385 university students was asked to respond to an electronic self-diagnostic survey that assessed their social and emotional learning competencies (SEL) based on the five dimensions of the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) Framework: self-awareness, social awareness, responsible decision-making, self-management, and relationship skills. The results revealed that the respondents strongly agree about their level of involvement in the university community extension programs. It further revealed that the community extension services of the university were well implemented. Moreover, plans of activities were suggested to further enhance the involvement of the students from the different colleges and to develop their social and emotional learning competencies. SEL programs have been shown to improve social ties and decrease negative life outcomes. With the help of SEL, individuals can develop skills that will last a lifetime. Positive behaviors that go beyond academic accomplishment might help these students acquire the "soft skills" needed in many vocations, such as teamwork, empathy, and problem-solving.
Community Extension Programs, Social Competence, Emotional Competence, Social and Emotional Learning (SEL), University of Batangas
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