

Volume no. 3 | 2023/11
Issue no. 1

Belen, Jericho M. Camo, Gian Carlo P. Castillo, Axcel Loyd D. Endaya, Darren Karl L.
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Plastics continuously remain as the most versatile and abundant man-made resource on the planet. Notably, overconsumption of plastic and poor waste management results in plastic becoming a continuous hazard in our environment. However, there is an absence of handheld plastic waste processors in contrast with bulky shredding machines. The study is entitled “RESICKLE: Electric Hot Knife for Recyclable Plastic Cutting”. Wherein, the undertaking aims to reduce and change the way of using and handling plastics and assist the surroundings in transitioning into a circular economy; to design products that either produce no waste at all or are reused and recycled. The study utilized a combination of experimental and descriptive quantitative approaches for methodology. On the other hand, the survey revealed that most of the respondents, both electrical engineers and junk shop owners, agreed that the research prototype fulfilled its expected capability to work for plastic cutting. The researchers noted that the null hypothesis was accepted and failed to be rejected, having no significant differences in the perceptions of electrical engineers and junk shop owners regarding the efficiency, functionality, and time consumed cutting of the electric hot knife. In addition, the use of lightweight equipment offers significant practicality and safety advantages over heavy industrial machinery as these lightweight mechanisms are easy to utilize, operate, and transport, enabling efficient workflow. Overall, the study's results and conclusion showed that, although it was effective, enhancements and changeable characteristics would enable the product to reach its full potential.
Electric Hot Knife; Plastic; Efficiency; Functionality; Time Consumed Cutting
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