

Volume no. 3 | 2023/11
Issue no. 1

PARA PO!: Proposed Design Of Piezo-Integrated Seats In Jeepneys To Supply Electricity To Power Outlets
Paul Edward Igasan, Maegan Freah S. Juntilla, John Fillippo C. Rocio, Atasha Julienne A. Roleda
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The study entitled "PARA PO!: Proposed Design for Piezo-Integrated Seats in Jeepneys to Supply Electricity to Power Outlets" aimed to propose an actual detailed design of a mechanism that can harness energy from mechanical stress and pressure in jeepneys and convert it to usable electricity for power outlets. After considering the proposal's attributes specifically, its functionality, usability, and profitability, this can serve as charging stations for passengers and additional income for Jeepney drivers. With that said, the study utilized a descriptive-experimental research design and used a survey questionnaire through google forms as the main data gathering instrument. Overall, fifty (50) respondents comprised of twenty-five (25) jeepney drivers and commuters in Batangas City were selected to partake in the study using stratified random sampling. Through analyzing the data using frequency distribution, ranking, weighted mean, composite mean, and T-test, it was revealed that there were significant differences between the perception of jeepney drivers and commuters regarding the proposed design's mentioned attributes which meant the null hypothesis was rejected. On the other hand, suggestions and further considerations by the researchers exposed modifiable attributes to improve the proposed design. Thus, the researchers concluded that although the mentioned attributes and designs were positively significant in producing a comprehensible product which was perceived to be highly functional, usable, and profitable, further modifications based on the findings and conclusions are suggested to yield better results. As such, recommendations that covered what future proponents should prepare for, specifics like measurements and voltage testing, safety features, and overlooked factors such as comfortability were offered by the researchers.
Piezo-Integrated Seats, Detailed Design, Functionality, Usability, Profitability, Jeepney Drivers, Commuters
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