Kalinangan Refereed Journal
College Journal
Research Services
Volume no. 3 | 2023/11 Issue no. 1
Fo-Lush: Foot-Flushing Device For Hygienic Purposes
Methz P. Atienza, Christian Kean B. Galapon, Lyxine Rio M. Rivera, Vince Gabriel M. Servidad
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The purpose of this research study, entitled "Fo-Lush: Foot-Flushing Device for Hygienic Purposes," is to determine the perceptions of the selected Grade 11 and Grade 12 students in the University of Batangas Senior High School Department regarding the foot-flushing device in the restrooms of the Millennium Campus in terms of its functionality, usability, and efficiency. The researchers used an experimental research design for the reason that this study would like to determine the perceptions of selected students in grades 11 and 12 regarding the foot-flushing device and arrive at a concrete answer to questions about designing and developing the said device. The survey questionnaire revealed that the Grade 11 students agreed, while the Grade 12 students strongly agreed that the foot-flushing device expected its intended function for its users. The researchers noted that the null hypothesis has been rejected, and the assessments by Grade 11 and Grade 12 students on the foot-flushing device regarding its functionality, usability, and effectiveness in the restrooms of the Millennium Campus are significantly different. On the other hand, from the gathered and assessed data, the concepts and processes regarding the design and development of the foot-flushing device were found to have contributed to its functionality, usability, and effectiveness, respectively. Furthermore, the findings and conclusions revealed that, while the study was beneficial, enhancements and changeable features would bring the product to its full effectiveness.
toilet flushing, hygienic, restroom, health, safety, functionality, usability, effectiveness
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