

Volume no. 3 | 2023/11
Issue no. 1

Mind Sanctuary: Efficient and Eco-friendly Study Area
Samantha Fleur O. Manalo, John Dhelbert V. Marquez, Jhenifer C. Ramirez, B-jork M. Rico
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The research study entitled "Mind Sanctuary: Efficient and Eco-Friendly Study Area" was conducted to assess the proposed biophilic study area and its effects on the learning experience of students and teachers. The study's primary objectives were to examine the features that contribute to the efficiency and eco-friendliness of the biophilic study area and to evaluate its impact on the overall well-being and academic performance of individuals utilizing the space. The primary objective of the study was to find out how the proposed biophilic study area enhances the learning environment by providing a sanctuary that fosters stability, safety, and sustainability. This study is quantitative in nature and employed a descriptive method as a research design. In line with this, it used a survey questionnaire as its main gathering instrument, whereas a total of 50 respondents comprising 50 architects were chosen as the respondents of the study through stratified distribution, ranking, weighted mean, composite mean, and ANOVA to analyze and interpret the data. The results revealed that aligning with the principles of sustainability, stability, and safety. These results served as the foundation for devising a modified and improved plan to optimize the biophilic study area. The design and layout of the biophilic study area prioritize the well-being and productivity of all users, providing a conducive learning environment. The incorporation of eco-friendly features, such as energy-efficient systems, sustainable materials, and optimized waste management, promotes sustainability and reduces the environmental impact. Thereby, the findings signified that there are no significant differences between the assessment of architects in the proposed efficient and eco-friendly study area based on its stability, safety, and sustainability. Furthermore, the results of the study were then used as a basis for devising a modified 3 and improved plan, aiming to create an optimized and sustainable study area termed the "Mind Sanctuary".
study area, eco-friendly, efficient design, sustainability, safety, stability, environmental impact, academic performance, well-being, sanctuary, biophilic
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