

Volume no. 3 | 2023/11
Issue no. 1

Vince Gabriel L. Matira Alexa G. Narvas Princess Roxan E. Patal Chloi I. Semira
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This paper entitled “Safeguarding Wellness: Basis for Mental Health Management Program” was conducted to identify the wellness practices observed by the students and its effects on emotional well-being of senior high school students in University of Batangas which served as the foundation for the proposed mental health management program to help the students raise awareness about mental health, reduce stigma associated with mental illness, promote help seeking behaviors and emotional well-being practices, and prevent self-harm. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that affect the mental health of the students. In conducting the research, the researchers used correlational-descriptive quantitative research in order to obtain the information needed. A survey-questionnaire was developed and answered by 100 students from the senior high school department from different strands and grade levels were the chosen respondents in the study. From analysis of results, the researchers concluded that there is indeed a significant relationship between the wellness practices of Senior high school students and their emotional well-being as the respondents variedly agreed on statements pertaining to the wellness practices observed and the effects of these practices on the emotional being of the respondents. This strengthened the notion that the implementation of mental health management programs is based on how they perceive the topic and how well they know the basic knowledge about mental health education. In the end, the researchers devised a modified approach to mental health management programs, such as seminars, enhanced homeroom guidance, facebook page and print media which would focus on conversing and creating a proper approach to the mental health of the students and with the guidance and approval of a professional.
safeguarding wellness, wellness practices, emotional well-being and, mental health management program, mental health education literacy, correlational-descriptive research
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