
Kalinangan Refereed Journal

Volume no. 31 | 2023/06
Issue no. 1

Kylla Marie A. Fajarito, Dr. Angela C. Napa
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Social and emotional learning (SEL) plays a vital role in the successful development of a learner with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This occurs the moment a child begins their seventh month. Unfortunately, there was a sudden occurrence of a global pandemic, which led to the whole world being shut down. The lockdown caused school closures, which prevented learners from receiving interventions in a face-to-face setting. Hence, this study wanted to explore how the pandemic affected the social and emotional learning of learners specifically diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. The study used a qualitative case study design, and the data was gathered by means of an interview and an observation checklist conducted with five parents and five teachers of learners with ASD. The data were analyzed using thematic analysis. This study came up with three positive themes: observed regression in social and emotional learning, less participation, and technology distraction. Meanwhile, there were two negative themes, specifically, that SEL became an interest of learners with ASD and that no more outside conflicts were experienced. The researcher suggested modifying the use of technological interventions to target learners' social and emotional learning.
Social and Emotional Learning (SEL), autism spectrum disorder (ASD), pandemic, technological approach
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