
Kalinangan Refereed Journal

Volume no. 24 | 2017/11
Issue no. 1

Balmes, Ivan Macdowell J.; Buela, Karen M.; Inciong, Kenneth Dave M.; Faraon, John Errol D.; Sabiniano, Bobby G.; Magbanua, Ranie M.; Ilagan, Gladys R.; Kalaw, Jiester C. and Añonuevo, Jefferson P.
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There is vast potential and importance in renewable energy generation from sea wave currents that have been recognized as a valuable resource for the sustainable generation of electrical power. They are particularly attractive for power generation and advantageous when compared to other renewable energies due to their high predictability and fluid properties. It has been observed at the population level, that the improvement in comfort is accompanied by an increase in the electrical energy required; thus, a study of sea wave power generation using electrical energy converting system was conducted. Three tests for harvesting power from sea waves were proposed. In the first test, the generated voltage was measured across the voltage regulator. In the second test, the voltage stored on the battery under no load condition was measured every two hours and the average charging rate was 0.1708 V/hr while and 0.0208 V/hr. In the third test, the voltage consumed by the load and its discharging rate was measured every two hours respectively, and the result was 0.5583V/hr for the voltage consumed while the average discharging rate was 0.02167V/hr. Results showed that the voltage generated by the system depends upon the height of the sea wave. Also, it was found out that that the sea wave is high during the afternoon.
renewable energy, voltage regulator, sea wave, electrical energy converting system
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