

Volume no. 4 | 2024/09
Issue no. 1

Tim Noreen Marikit C. Bay, Yanna Yazmine P. Casas, Martin Theo P. De Guzman, John Kirby B. Isla, Dr. Gracia A. Perdiguerra
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Local theater is critical for conveying and developing cultural narratives. It has a tremendous impact on culture and education in the Philippines, expressing social values and Filipino identity. This study examines how local theater promotes and integrates Filipino culture among senior high school students at the University of Batangas. Using a correlational research approach, the study showed a strong link between theater promotion and cultural inclusivity. The study is intended to highlight the influence of local theater plays on cultural integration. The study used a correlational study design to investigate the link between the promotion of local theater and students' cultural integration. The rejection of the null hypothesis revealed a strong link between theatrical promotion and cultural integration. Students show a strong interest in live theater, implying a large viewership. Theatre performances effectively promote Filipino culture by depicting cultural settings and traditions. Participating in local theater allows students to discover and respect their Filipino heritage. Attending theater plays promotes cultural integration. The study suggests creating activities that engage students and promote cultural heritage through performing arts, as well as doing more research on theater's potential for cultural promotion.
Local Theater, Filipino Culture, Local Theater Production, Performances
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