Earthquakes are natural phenomena that occur in unpredictable and sudden ground shaking and movement; this, in turn, causes severe damage to structures and poses a danger to the safety of people inside these structures. This study, entitled "Design and Development of a Residential Earthquake Warning Device: Enhancing Earthquake Impact Mitigation and Disaster Resilience," aims to provide residential homes with a device that monitors ground movement and alerts the residents of growing and developing earthquakes under Sustainable Development Goal 11.5: “Reduce the Adverse Effects of Natural Disasters." This quantitative study utilized a descriptive and experimental design better to understand the design and development of the device. In order to gather the necessary data, the researchers used a survey questionnaire to assess 60 residents located in Taal, Batangas, as respondents and an observation checklist with 15 trials with four different categories to monitor the performance of the Residential Earthquake Warning Device. The survey questionnaire was handed out using a simple random sampling method. The statistical treatment of the data used included frequency, ranking, weighted mean, binomial test, two-way ANOVA, and T-test. The findings of the survey questionnaire show that the perception of the respondents from Taal, Batangas, show a high level of awareness about the risks of earthquakes. Meanwhile, the results from the observation checklist indicate significant differences in response time, detection accuracy, and geographic coverage based on the device's placement, whether it is "fixed" or "not fixed." This suggests that securely mounting the device enhances its capability to detect earthquakes across extensive areas accurately and improves the speed of detection and notification. As for notification reliability, another set of findings shows no significant difference when subjected to the two different placement modes, concluding that the device can successfully deliver notifications in different settings. |
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