

Volume no. 4 | 2024/09
Issue no. 1

Kim Ashley R. Barredo, Chalriz Julie Star M. Culiat, Lidsey Nicole S. Hernandez, and Alyanna P. Mendoza, Ms. Christine Joyce L. Enteria, LPT
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Electricity management presents a considerable challenge for homeowners, often leading to unexpected spikes in electricity bills due to insufficient monitoring. This study, titled "Design and Development of Smart Integration for Kilowatt Awareness and Power Efficiency," addresses this issue by introducing a device tailored to monitor the electricity usage of individual appliances within households. Aligned with Sustainable Development Goal 12, "Responsible Consumption and Production," the research utilized a descriptive and experimental approach to assess the efficacy of the developed product. Data collection involved employing a simple random sampling method to survey 30 respondents, consisting of 15 homeowners and 15 registered Electrical Engineers. Questionnaires were utilized for insights gathering, while statistical techniques including frequency distribution, ranking, weighted mean, and T-test were applied for data analysis. Results revealed a positive perception of the research prototype among both homeowners and electrical engineers, particularly regarding its role in monitoring electricity consumption through the system's notification feature. The null hypothesis, indicating no significant differences in perceptions between homeowners and electrical engineers concerning energy awareness, energy-saving impact, and app user experience, failed to be rejected. While the study achieved its objectives, findings suggest opportunities for enhancing the product's features and characteristics to maximize its potential and overall performance. Future iterations could concentrate on refining features to optimize energy management and user experience, thereby contributing to sustainable energy consumption practices.
Energy Meter, Electricity Consumption, Blynk App, Notification System
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