
Kalinangan Refereed Journal

Volume no. 31 | 2023/12
Issue no. 2

An Exploration of Ragnarok X: Next Generation as a Tool for Second Language Teaching and Learning
Angelika U. Borlasa, Ryan B. Katigbak, Julius Ceazar P. Lepran, Lanifel C. Manalo, Elsie O. Untalan
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Various researches have shown the pedagogical value of digital games in L2 teaching and learning.  But can serious games such as MMORPGs that are developed for recreational purposes be used as a tool in education?  Using a qualitative approach, specifically a case study design, this paper explored the educational potential of an MMORPG, Ragnarok X: Next Generation by determining its game design, the language skills developed while playing the game and how these can be leveraged for L2 teaching and learning. Drawing from experiences of purposively selected students-gamers and observations of L2 faculty, RoX’s game features were found to parallel L2 teaching and learning practices
L2 teaching and learning, MMORPG, Ragnarok X:Next Generation
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