
Kalinangan Refereed Journal

Volume no. 30 | 2022/06
Issue no. 1

Aurora P. Tolentino, PhD; German B. Rosales, PhD; Sherwin William Cuasay, PhD
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Sustainability is an important factor of community extension services. The University of Batangas’ Graduate School (UBGS) has initiated the hUB or “handog ng UB” as a Community Extension Service (CES) project. Project hUB aims to improve the reading skills of the Mangyan students by putting up mini-reading centers in partner Mangyan elementary schools located in selected communities. This study aims to determine the beneficiaries’ perceived changes in their knowledge, skills, and attitude as the result of the project; identify issues and concerns in the implementation of the project and propose a project sustainability plan for the hUB. Through observation, focus group discussion and interview which were done to pupils, teachers, school administrator and parents, the findings reveal that the perceived benefits of the hUB are self-initiated learning, discovery, critical thinking, self-directed learning, independence, and love for learning; the issues are environment, economic and social concerns while the proposed plan presents innovation and sustainability strategies with consideration of the identified concerns. Researchers recommend adaptation of the proposed plan to sustain the project and venture into new ones.
Community Extension Service, Reading Center, Mangyan, Project hUB, Sustainability Plan, Cornelio Lintawagin Memorial Elementary School
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