
Kalinangan Refereed Journal

Volume no. 31 | 2023/12
Issue no. 2

From Theory to Practice: Quantifying Gender Sensitivity Application in the Classroom
Mary Grace V. Delgado, Simeona Gina C. Dimayuga, Mary Jean Alday, Mary Ann B. Macatangay
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This paper determined whether gender sensitivity practices are applied in the classroom of one of the universities in Batangas province. This covered gender sensitivity practices relating to teaching strategies employed, learning materials used, performance tasks conducted and classroom dynamics and interaction observed. Randomly selected 337 college students and 52 faculty members were asked to respond to the survey questionnaire. The study revealed that faculty members, to a moderate extent, know concepts and practices linked to gender sensitivity. Also, both groups of respondents agreed to a moderate extent that gender sensitivity practices in terms of the four variables are applied inside the classroom. And based on the results of the statistical test conducted, both students and faculty perceived classroom practices as regards teaching strategies, learning materials, performance tasks and dynamics and interaction as significant factors supporting gender sensitivity. Finally, the results of the study imply that there are still much to be done and to be considered in order to realize a gender-sensitive classroom in the subject-university.
Batangas, classroom dynamics, Gender Sensitivity, Gender Roles, Gender-Sensitivity Practices
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