
Kalinangan Refereed Journal

Volume no. 27 | 2019/4
Issue no. 1

Santillana, Priscilla Mizpah P., Ph.D.; Africa, Augusto C., Ph.D.; Delgado, Mary Grace V., MAED; Gamara, Amabella P., MAED; Ocampo, Jacqueline G., MAED
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Political speech plays an important role in leadership and governance of a nation’s president, because it is through it that the head of state communicates with the public. Since the receivers of such speech are heterogeneous groups, misinterpretation and ambiguity may take place especially if the public are not skilled to interpret the messages, separating style from content. The speeches of President Duterte were chosen based on the identified criteria of Neumann and Coe (2011) in their research about speeches of modern presidents. The researchers have chosen to analyze 13 of the more popular speeches of President Duterte in various occasions that somehow capture the essence of all other speeches that he continues to deliver while being President of the country. Findings revealed that humor in the speeches analyzed fall under the superiority category. In terms of metaphor, the most prominent were about war, building, and family. As regards grammar, words used are mostly personal and possessive pronouns. Themes which are evident in the speeches are about war on drugs, strengthening the police and the military, and anti-corruption campaign. In conclusion, findings of the study revealed that the speeches delivered by Duterte shows his consistency and commitment in his advocacies, his high level of confidence and security, the value he puts in time, and his authoritative and dependable image as a leader and communicator.
presidential speech, communication, barrier, style, humor, metaphor, functional grammar, themes, University of Batangas
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