
Kalinangan Research Journal

Volume no. 22 | 2016/11
Issue no. 1

Mendoza, Noel D., PhD(c)
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Coral Reef Mapping has been conducted by many marine scientists for the purpose of marine conservation and coastal resource management. It has never been used for disaster risk reduction planning and intervention and climate change indicator. The study showed the importance of coral reef mapping to disaster risk reduction and climate change indicator. The study area selected was Batangas city being made part of the Center for Marine Biodiversity in the world. It has also been tagged as the hottest of hotspot due to its existing coastal activities of the different industries, populated coastal communities and non-sustainable anthropogenic intervention of the said coastal communities. The map can identify specific areas wherein intensive planning intervention is required for disaster risk reduction and climate change indicator for Batangas City. The modified manta tow and reef check international method for in-depth assessment was used for this study. Mainland Batangas City is very much vulnerable to storm surges, tsunami and other natural hazards coming from the marine and coastal ecosystem, except for barangay Pinamukan, Pagkilatan and Ilijan where higher coral concentration exist making them resilient. Coral Bleaching was found in the study area. When corals are stressed by changes in conditions such as temperature, light or nutrients, they expel the symbolic algae living in the tissues, causing them to turn completely white. Consequently, warmer water temperature can result in coral bleaching. When a coral bleaches, it is not dead. Corals can survive a bleaching event, but they are under more stress and are subject to mortality
Coral reef mapping; disaster risk reduction; climate change
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