
Kalinangan Research Journal

Volume no. 22 | 2016/11
Issue no. 1

Lopez, Anjenette C.; Christine R. Diokno; and Gamboa, Aimee Jane A.
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The purpose of this research was to determine the relevance of interest rate variation on loans to the net interest margin (NIM) of banks in Batangas City. The data gathered from 25 banks were analyzed and interpreted using frequency and percentage, weighted mean and ordinal regression. The study revealed that interest rate policy, market-based factors and lending considerations are greatly considered by banks in deciding on the rate to be imposed on loans. The study also found out that both internal and external factors immensely affect the NIM. Similarly, the varying interest rates of interbank, microfinance, and SME loans reflect changes on the NIM of banks in Batangas City. Importance is placed into the first mentioned loan because it includes huge amount of money and a higher than usual interest rate, while the latter two are both economical and in demand for the year under study. Considering all these, banks are advised to use the guidelines provided in this research. If banks would want to focus on improving NIM, they should raise their cost consciousness, maintain the required capital and bank assets, enhance process efficiency, develop their risk management systems, ensure tax compliance, handle efficiently implicit interest payments, cope with inflationary pressures, assess, formulate and implement market risk management policy, and expand foreign ownership influence. Banks must reach or exceed their money boundary and should also be concerned about improving their product plan regarding microfinance and SME loan.
banks, interest rate variation, loans, net interest margin
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