
Kalinangan Refereed Journal

Volume no. 27 | 2019/4
Issue no. 1

Amazona, Judith V., RPT, MAED; Mallari, Mark Nino Iman T., RPT; Geronimo, Win Caryl S., RPT; Villalobos, Monique S., RPT; Mortera, Rabhel B., RPT
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This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of a conditioning exercise program on the agility and vertical leap of male college athletes of the University of Batangas. The quasi-experimental research design was utilized. Three teams (volleyball, football, and basketball) were included in the study. The researchers conducted pre- and post-assessments to determine if there is a significant difference of vertical leap height and agility performance after approximately two months of the conditioning exercise program. The study concluded the following: the participants of the study were male college varsity athletes playing volleyball, football, and basketball; they have an average height of five feet and seven inches; and most of whom are in the second year level. After the post-assessment, the agility of the volleyball players was rated as average, the same from pre-assessment. The agility of the football players was excellent from baseline rating of good while the agility of the basketball players was good from baseline rating of average. There was significant difference in the vertical leap results among players of football and basketball. However, no significant difference in the vertical leap result among volleyball players was found. There was a significant difference in the agility among basketball players and highly significant difference among football players. However, there is no significant difference in the agility of volleyball players. It is therefore recommended that the conditioning exercise program be considered by the team coaches as part of the training regimen of the university athletes.
agility, vertical leap, conditioning exercise program, physical performance, college athletes
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