With the high rate of competition in every market today, it has become very hard to retain customers. Thus, this paper aimed to determine the effects of credit policies to the customer retention of home appliance and furniture stores in Batangas City and in Lipa City. The data gathered were analyzed and interpreted using the percentage method, mean, frequency distribution and coefficient correlation. The research work found out that the majority of the participants offer a credit period of six months to one year; most of them set their credit limit at P50,000 and above; they always consider the capacity and character of the customer in granting credit; in collecting the amount due; the credit collection procedures often used by the participants are personal visit, oral communication, and customer’s initiative; and in case of customer delinquency, the participants often continue their collection efforts, the unpaid balance earns interest and accounts are written off. Other focal points of this paper were the dimensions of customer retention, namely: customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. Results showed that product, promotion, customer service and distribution affect customer satisfaction to a very great extent; and overall customer satisfaction, trust, customer relationship, corporate image and commitment affect customer loyalty to a very great extent. On this note, the home appliance and furniture stores in Batangas City and in Lipa City are advised to follow the proposed guidelines, which are based on the substantial findings of the study, to improve their credit policy and customer retention. |
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