This study aims to make a didactic and edifying discussion on the effectiveness of Human Resource, Corporate and Marketing, and Financial operations in meeting the VMGO of University of Batangas as basis for developing a strategic plan of action. This furher aims to conceptualize a TOWS (Threat, Opportunity, Weakness, Strength) Analysis framework using the Challenge Model. The study employed a mixed method of research. The researcher creatively integrated quantitative and qualitative approaches in ways that will be most advantageous to the study. The researcher employed documentary analysis to gather empirical data. The findings show that to operate as a corporation guided by its vision, mission, philosophy and objectives, three major operations are necessary to fully function accordingly vis-a -vis, financial operation, corporate and marketing operation and human resource operation. Results show that the Human Resource Development services were effective to a moderate extent, the marketing and corporate communication services were effective to a moderate extent while the Budget Management Office services were effective in a great extent. Moreover, TOWS analyses on three major departments of University of Batangas namely the Budget Management Office, the Human Resource Development Office and the Corporate Communication Office are hereby presented through a framework that provides the roadmap and toolboxes of each department in the course of their operations. Strategic plans need to be evaluated periodically and modified in accordance to the needs of changing environment |
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University of Batangas Human resource Manual |