
Kalinangan Refereed Journal

Volume no. 27 | 2019/4
Issue no. 1

Espinol, Shara May T., RPm, RPsy; Maranan, Carl Reman M., RPm; Lipat, Diane D., RPm
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Academic performance is one of the most common predictors of a student’s academic success. Thus, this has been a constant dependent variable on numerous studies. The factors that affect academic performance are both internal and external. The researchers chose academic self-concept and perceived teacher expectation as independent variables since the respondents are senior high school students who were selected by means of cluster sampling. They are in the transition stage and the way they see themselves, as well as their teachers see them, could have a great effect on their classroom performance. The study utilized the descriptive-correlational design and employed a quantitative analysis of the variables. The results suggest that there is a significant correlation between academic performance and the two dimensions of academic self-concept. However, when it comes to perceived teacher expectation, academic performance is only significantly correlated with low teacher expectations and not with high teacher expectation. With the results, the researchers came up with guidelines for teachers to manage their expectations and for students to check their academic self-concept.
academic performance, academic self-concept, perceived teacher expectation, senior high school, University of Batangas
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