
Kalinangan Refereed Journal

Volume no. 27 | 2019/4
Issue no. 1

Gilera, Arceli G., Ph.D.; Fababier, Victoria G., Ed.D.; Briones, Edelyn B., Ed.D.; Asistin, Judith A.
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With the changing educational landscape in the Philippines, many graduates of other non-education degree programs are enticed to teach in the basic education after passing the Board Licensure Examination for Teachers (BLET).This paper aimed to assess the technological pedagogical and content knowledge (TPACK) of the Certificate in Teaching Program (CTP) unit earners from AY 2013 - 2017. The study used the quantitative descriptive design. The modified TPACK Survey was the main instrument for data collection to the 47 CTP unit earners. The findings showed that the majority of the respondents were fairly confident in combining their technology, pedagogy, content knowledge, and expertise in the teaching and learning of their subject matter. However, they applied the expertise in this area of TPACK in isolation. Thus, a gap between their understanding and actual practice of technological, pedagogical and content knowledge had been noted. The respondents were only fairly competent in using digital technologies and ICT application. In terms of the basic ICT skills, the respondents were only somewhat competent in the use of e-portfolio, editing videos, and making podcasts. Among the professional education courses, the Principles of Teaching was helpful to a very great extent to the CTP unit earners. Continuous reinforcement of the new learning management system (LMS) and the use of digital tools in each course are thus recommended to ensure effective technology integration in teaching.
TPACK framework, Philippine, professional standards for teachers, certificate in teaching program, teacher education, University of Batangas
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